Changelog : Version history

Possibility of questioning

Monitoring unique position

Introduction of the notion of postponing temp
Same functionality as waltz explore,
You can valser job at the post with usb key ...

Interrogation (years / months) achieved
Taking into account all versions of the module Previous mark (ExtraCTuM)

ASCII errors correction

Error correction messages 640 * 480 resolution taken in consideration

Advanced polymorphic INCLUD

IncluD + ExtracTuM finalized

Customizing style finalized

Taking account of Languages

Corrections ExtraCtuM

Extractum version of the interpreter and cancel as total cancellation of the temp spot libel = X

The version of extractum interprete cancel as cancellation of the last time (since the last cronometrage (after a start or restart)

New: introduction of the attributes change , and the encoding is now customisable to permit every langages!


Corrections to the ExtracTuM for spots started before the period required for the extraction.

Negative and dated report


Csv exportation to Excel/calc
Scrollbar for tasklist
OnChange correction
Iteration correction
Improvement of speed under Windows